
established in 2006

GAUSS Institute is a Foundation for New Technologies, Innovations, and Knowledge Transfer established on 15 August 2006 in Bitola, Republic of North Macedonia.

The aim of the establishment of the GAUSS Institute is through the development and application of new technologies, innovations, and knowledge transfer to contribute toward the establishment of the knowledge society in the region. GAUSS Institute is a Research & Development (R&D), non-for-profit Civil Society Organisation (CSO) from a horizontal type. Horizontal CSOs are organisations which have not specific target group in their activities but address different target groups with the implementation of the specific tools. We realise projects about the implementation of new technologies (mainly ICT based) in different areas of socio-economic development.

knowledge society

Knowledge Society is a society where knowledge is the primary production resource instead of capital and labor. It creates, shares, and uses knowledge for the prosperity and well-being of its people.

A knowledge society is an innovative and life-long learning society, which possesses a community of scholars, researchers, engineers, technicians, research networks, and firms engaged in research and the production of high-technology goods and service provision.
It forms a national innovation-production system, which is integrated into international networks of knowledge production, diffusion, utilization, and protection. Its communication and information technology tools make vast amounts of human knowledge easily accessible. Knowledge is used to empower and enrich people culturally and materially, and to build an eco-friendly sustainable society.


Creation of knowledge society using science and technology that is eco-friendly and sustainable in the long-term.​


GAUSS Institute grows into a regional center of excellence in the field of sustainable and knowledge-based social development.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet​
Luctus nec ullam corper​
Pulvinar dapibus leo​


Because we sincerely believe that the prosperity of any society is possible only if the allocation of resources and knowledge is according to Gaussian function, i.e., exists their normal distribution.

This means that the majority of the population should have enough knowledge and resources to organize their society sustainably.
Unfortunately, in the Republic of North Macedonia and wider on the Balkans region, the majority of the population currently has not enough (although it is challenging to define what is “enough”) knowledge and resources to organize society on a sustainable, knowledge-based way. By giving GAUSS prefix in the name of our foundation, we wanted to stress the importance of initiating changes in behavior and lifestyle of our society, which will lead toward functioning of the society according to the Gaussian function.

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